What BS this obituary is, I was Franks step daughter for 7? years , He was a child preditor, a dead beat dad, a drunk, a thief and a coward, For the most part of 7 years Frank said perverted things to on an almost daily bases , I was litttle more then a baby when first started to talk dirty to me, whispering dirty things to me when no one else could hear, through my bed room door at night when I got a bit older, Frank also had a son Donald and a son Kevin, my brother,. He abandoned Kevin and paid no support while stalking my mother and threatening to kill her and kidnap Kevin. This is only a small samlple of the Frank I knew, the man that tormented me as a little girl for years.
Christine’,s condolence was not the Frank I knew totally wrong !
I am not wrong, you have no idea the man he once was, I was not the only CHILD he said digusting things to, I have witnesses too, my mom, my best friend, and Franks own daughter!! to name a few. HE WAS A SICK DIGUSTING MAN !!! You were not there, so you can not say it is untrue.
Frank was a very caring
Frank was a very caring,thoughtful,intelligent guy.He always made us laugh.So sorry he had to go through such terrible medical problems these last 2 years.
Frank Morse
Carole so sorry for your loss. What guy Frank was remember him at work fixing the machines and like you said singing and dancing. Rest in peace Frank
Frank was a good man.
Carole, I'm so sorry for your loss. I am praying everyday for you and the rest of Frank's family. Love you, Maura